Slim Down Showdown: Sono Bello vs. CoolSculpting – Which is the Best Treatment for Fat Reduction?
In 2023, 47% of men and 55% of women said they wanted to lose weight. The trouble is that losing weight is challenging. Even if you diet and exercise daily, you can still struggle with the same ten pounds and the same fat buildup. And with more than half of all Americans on a mission to lose weight and reduce fat, it’s no surprise so many people are using body contouring to conquer their stubborn bulges.
Now, we dive into the next problem: finding what works best for your body. It can feel like a stressful, lengthy journey, but we are here to discuss two of the most popular body contouring treatments available today.
Sono Bello and CoolSculpting are known for reducing stubborn fat and helping people achieve a leaner, more toned physique. While they deliver similar results, they use entirely different technology and methods. So, which one is more effective? How do you determine which treatment is right for your body?
Keep reading to learn more about the differences between Sono Bello and CoolSculpting while we try to make this decision as easy as possible for you!
How Popular Fat Reduction Treatments Work
Sono Bello is a micro-laser liposuction procedure that involves invasive surgery. During the procedure, incisions are made in the target areas, and a laser is used to loosen the fat, which is then manually suctioned out. Sono Bello requires local anesthesia, and the procedure typically takes between 2 to 3.5 hours, depending on your specific fat removal plan. This method is popular for removing fat from various areas of the body.
CoolSculpting, on the other hand, is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive body contouring treatment for fat removal. It uses the science of cryolipolysis and advanced applicators to freeze stubborn fat cells. No anesthesia is required, though patients may experience mild temporary numbness, tugging, and mild pinching during the cooling session. Treatments can take as little as 35 minutes, depending on the target area. CoolSculpting is ideal for reducing fat in nine specific areas, including the abdomen, flanks, back fat, upper arms, chin, inner and outer thighs, and more.
CoolSculpting or Sono Bello: Which Treatment is Right for You?
Now that you have heard about the differences between CoolSculpting and Sono Bello, it’s time to really dive into their differences and similarities. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, so you’ll need to consider your personal preferences and treatment goals. Here are some key factors to keep in mind when making this important decision:
If you’re seeking the least invasive treatment for body sculpting, CoolSculpting is the clear winner. This completely noninvasive procedure uses controlled cooling to eliminate unwanted fat cells.
On the other hand, Sono Bello, while still minimally invasive compared to traditional surgical procedures, requires small incisions and the use of laser fibers to remove stubborn fat. As a result, it is more invasive than CoolSculpting.
Anesthesia is an important factor when choosing between CoolSculpting and Sono Bello. If you’re concerned about anesthesia, you’ll be pleased to know that CoolSculpting doesn’t require any. It’s a painless procedure that doesn’t even need topical anesthetics, allowing you to drive yourself home immediately after your appointment, with no down time.
With Sono Bello, local anesthetics numb the targeted area, but you’ll remain awake during the procedure. You must arrange for someone else to drive you back home. For the first two days after treatment, it’s best to take it easy and focus on recovery, requiring down time away from your regular schedule.
Since CoolSculpting Elite is entirely noninvasive and nonsurgical, there is no risk of scarring. You may have some temporary localized redness, swelling, and tenderness but no lasting scars.
Sono Bello does cause minor scarring. This is due to the small incisions made in the skin to insert the laser fiber and a cannula (thin tube). However, scarring is still minimal compared to other surgical procedures.
According to the official Sono Bello website: “Each liposuction event may result in a maximum of 4000-5000 cc of fat being removed. It is not uncommon for some patients to lose 20-30 pounds following liposuction while maintaining a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle.” On average, Sono Bello delivers a 24% fat reduction.
CoolSculpting, on the other hand, freezes fat cells immediately. In the weeks following your treatment, your body gradually processes these dead fat cells through the lymphatic system. Optimal results from CoolSculpting can take up to 90 days to fully develop. Coolsculpting reduces fat and volume/ fullness but does not produce weight loss. Typically your clothes will fit better.
While CoolSculpting may not produce dramatic results as quickly, it is gentler on the body and promotes a natural-looking fat reduction process. CoolSculpting typically delivers an average of 25% fat reduction in targeted areas. Once these fat cells are gone, they cannot return or regrow—they’re gone for good!
The final prices for both Sono Bello and CoolSculpting depend on factors such as the provider’s expertise, location, and the treatment areas chosen. Sono Bello liposuction typically costs more than CoolSculpting for the same area.
Remember, price shouldn’t be the sole factor in your decision. Consult with licensed professionals for each treatment to ensure you get the best value and safely achieve optimal results. Choose the option that best suits both your body and your budget.
After a Sono Bello procedure, patients need to be driven home by another adult. Surgeons provide postoperative recovery instructions, typically taking 2-3 days off work and wearing compression garments for 3-6 weeks. To get the best results, you are advised to follow this recovery plan and not pursue your regular schedule of work, school or activities.
In contrast, CoolSculpting requires no downtime, making it perfect for those who wish to return to their daily routines immediately. Many patients can even multitask during their appointment, others choose to take a nap, read a book, or watch TV.
Sono Bello vs CoolSculpting Reviews
Reading real patient reviews can help determine which treatment best suits your needs.
One Sono Bello review from an NY patient says, “My results are great, and I had little to no pain the first four days after my surgery. I would say that as long as you have realistic expectations and are healthy with an understanding of diet or exercise afterward, your results are worth it, and the experience and those who provide it are very accommodating.”
CoolSculpting reviews come from real people and many celebrities who love this classic fat-freezing treatment. One CoolSculpting review from a patient named Monica, a retired cheerleader, says, “When I was in college, I would have crazy workouts-sometimes twice a day. I just don’t have the time I used to. I have a couple of stubborn areas of fat, and that’s why I checked out CoolSculpting.”
See her full review here: https://vimeo.com/828412278
Another Cool Journey features Briana, a big outdoor enthusiast who loves being active in the great outdoors. Although she loves being active, Briana is honest and says, “I had a lot of stubborn fat in my midsection. Then I found CoolSculpting! This was the thing that actually worked. I am so happy that I did it!”
See her full review here: https://vimeo.com/828439922
Are These Fat Reduction Treatments Right for Me?
Fat reduction treatments like CoolSculpting and Sono Bello lipo are not for everyone.
The best candidates for CoolSculpting:
- Have a BMI below 30, below 35 for chin area
- Need additional help reducing stubborn pockets of fat
- Want fat loss, not weight loss (yes, there’s a difference!)
The best candidates for Sono Bello:
- Have a BMI below 42
- Be relatively close to goal weight but have small areas of concern that don’t respond to diet or exercise.
- Should not have a pacemaker or other type of wearable electronic device.
Reduce Fat with the Trusted CoolSculpting Elite
So, when it comes down to it, is it CoolSculpting vs Sono Bello? We’ll be taking CoolSculpting Elite for the win on this one. Reduce fat with the tried and trusted CoolSculpting Elite today at The New England Center of Body Sculpting. Our center is proud to be a leading CoolSculpting Elite provider in greater Boston, MA.
Our facility is conveniently located near the 495 rotary in Middleboro, MA. We serve Greater Boston, Greater Providence, South Shore, Southcoast, Cape Cod, Newport, and Eastern MA.
If you’re ready to achieve your dream body, call (508) 947-2852 to set up a free consultation with our CoolSculpting Elite experts at The New England Center for Body Sculpting.
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