In Emsculpt NEO

EMsculpt NEO for Arms

Contour + Strengthen Sexy Arms

Emsculpt NEO is the newest body contouring treatment capable of shedding stubborn fat while simultaneously building strong, toned muscles. This new treatment is now FDA cleared to treat the arms and the legs.

Why Is Upper Arm Fat So Stubborn?

The upper arms are a notorious problem area for both men and women, mainly women. This type of fat deposit is challenging to eliminate because they are influenced by genetics, age, and hormonal changes. In addition, upper arm fat tends to resist all diet and exercise efforts, making it extremely hard to eliminate on your own.

It is also nearly impossible to tone away fat in the upper arms. Building arm muscles with exercise provides a strong, toned appearance. However, the muscles can be obscured by extra fat buildup, and manual muscle building does not specifically eliminate fat in the target area. Arm fat exercises or the idea that you can “spot reduce” fat is a myth. Therefore, there is ultimately no way to burn away upper arm fat and tone strong biceps quickly or easily.

Now, with Emsculpt NEO for arms, people struggling with embarrassing upper arms have a simple, safe solution. Emsculpt NEO targets both fat and muscle. So, while this treatment works to burn away resistant fat in the upper arms, it also builds strong, sexy muscles.

What is Emsculpt NEO?

EMsculpt NEO is the newest revolutionary body shaping treatment. It utilizes dual energies, electromagnetic (HIFEM) and Radio Frequency (RF), to burn away fat and build strong muscle.

What Are the Benefits of EMsculpt NEO?

EMsculpt NEO is a non-surgical body-contouring treatment that helps burn and destroy fat cells while building and toning muscle tissue. Benefits include:

  •  Permanently eliminate stubborn fat
  •  Increase muscle volume by 25%
  •  Painless 30-minute sessions
  •  Does not require surgery, injections, or anesthesia
  •  Reduce fat by 30%
  •  Suitable for people with BMI up to 35
  •  No downtime
  •  FDA-cleared

Reducing Upper Arm Fat with Emsculpt NEO

An EMsculpt NEO technician performs the treatment using a single applicator placed over the treatment area. During the session, both HIFEM and RF energy penetrates through the applicator to the targeted area. This process heats the underlying muscles and fat cells. This heating also warms the muscles to prepare the tissue for intense, vigorous contractions via electromagnetic energy. These contractions are similar to muscle contractions experienced during weightlifting or doing sit-ups. Each session induces over 20,000 contractions that build and strengthen new muscle while simultaneously burning fat.

The damaged fat cells are naturally gathered and disposed of as waste through the lymphatic system. Once removed, the fat cells can never regrow or return. Results are natural-looking and long-term. Improvements are noticeable after a single session. The full slimming effects may take longer. However, most people see a difference within a few months as the body continues eliminating the treated fat cells. EMsculpt NEO is non-surgical, so there is no post-treatment recovery process. You are free to resume your routine following each treatment session.

What Does an EMsculpt NEO Treatment Feel Like?

During an EMsculpt NEO treatment session, patients may experience intense but manageable heating sensations and muscle contractions. However, numbing cream or anesthesia is not needed. The intensity is adjustable as well, depending on individual goals and preferences. Treatments last about 30 minutes, and the patient is free to lie down and relax during the treatment.

What To Expect After an EMsculpt NEO Treatment

After an EMsculpt NEO session, there may be some tenderness in the treated areas. This feeling is similar to the soreness that happens after a strenuous exercise.

Additionally, one may feel thirsty or dehydrated, as the body thinks it has just experienced a high-intensity workout. Aside from that, there are no side effects associated with EMsculpt NEO, and no downtime or recovery is required. You can resume your daily routine right after treatment with no restrictions.

EMSCULPT NEO Arm Treatment Before and After Results*

EMSCULPT NEO before and after arm treatment pictures show the comprehensive effects of this fat reduction treatment. As with any body shaping treatment, results may vary.* For the best outcome possible, patients should always choose a reputable and experienced Emsculpt NEO provider to perform this technique sensitive procedure.

emsculpt neo upper arms treatment JuliaEdelman MD

emsculpt neo Triceps treatment Middleboro, MA

Can Emsculpt Target Other Body Areas?

When Emsculpt NEO was first released, it didn’t take long for its popularity to increase. Now BTL, the machine’s manufacturers, are continuing to improve their body contouring technology. The FDA first cleared Emsculpt NEO to reduce fat and build muscle in the abdominal area. Now, this new popular treatment can target the thighs and arms.

How Many EMsculpt NEO Sessions Are Needed?

Our EMsculpt NEO experts at New England Center for Body Sculpting will help you create a treatment plan customized to your individual aesthetic goals. We recommend a series of 4 sessions minimum, spaced one week apart, for optimal results.

How Soon Will EMsculpt NEO Results Be Noticeable?

Similar to other body contouring procedures, results are not instant with EMsculpt NEO and take time. It is common to feel stronger after one or two sessions due to improved muscle tone. However, one can expect to notice results from an EMsculpt NEO treatment session after about 2 to 4 weeks post-treatment. It is important to keep in mind that the time frame may vary depending on the individual and their body condition. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and exercise to achieve optimal results.

Find EMsculpt Neo Arm Treatments in MA

If you want to reduce stubborn fat and tone sexy, muscular arms with EMsculpt NEO, schedule a FREE consultation with the New England Center for Body Sculpting. Located in Middleboro, the New England Center for Body Sculpting is a premier provider of EMsculpt NEO for thighs and arms for residents living near greater Boston, Newport, Providence, or Cape Cod. Schedule your consultation to learn more about this innovative device and how it can help you transform your physique by contacting the center online or calling them at 508 947-2852.


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