In EmFace

a woman looks from the side leaning her jaw upon her hand.

Non-Surgical Jawline Contouring with EMFace

Is your jawline no longer as defined and attractive as it used to be? Or maybe you’ve noticed areas where the skin hangs from your face. If this is the case, take comfort knowing you’re not alone. As people age, it’s natural for the shape of their jawline to change. This is due to changes in the structure of the facial skin. These changes occur as the body begins producing less collagen and elastin.
When the skin loses elasticity, it becomes less effective at holding facial fat in place. It also begins to droop and may appear to hang down below the jawbone. Areas of saggy skin and facial fat on either side of the lower jaw are called jowls. If you’re wondering how to lift and tone the appearance of your jowls, you may consider EMFace jawline contouring. Here’s what you should know about this highly effective, nonsurgical jawline contouring option.

EMFace: An Overview of the New Treatment

EMFace is a preferred jawline contouring procedure. It is ideal for people who want to look younger and more attractive without surgery. It works by exposing targeted areas to high-intensity, radiofrequency electromagnetic stimulation. This stimulation helps tone the skin and muscles along the jawline to retain their shape more effectively. If you want to tighten up your face and reduce the appearance of jiggly jowls, consider EMFace treatment.

Benefits of EMFace Treatments on the Jaw

One of the most obvious benefits of EMFace jawline contouring in Boston is that it’s non-invasive. There are no needles or scalpels required to lift the appearance of your jaw and face. Here are

some additional benefits this popular jowl lift procedure can offer you:

  • A more toned jawline
  • Reduction in the appearance of jowls
  • Improved facial symmetry
  • A more youthful face shape
  • Reduction of skin laxity

In addition to lifting the jawline, EMFace treatments can also lift other problem areas. It’s commonly used to lift the cheeks, neck, brows, and forehead. Depending on your needs, you can choose to focus on one problem area or receive full-face treatments. For the best outcome, always follow your specialist’s EMFace aftercare instructions.

What to Expect During an EMFace Treatment on the Jawline

During a typical EMFace treatment, you’ll first lie down on a treatment table. Next, your specialist will gently cleanse your face to remove potential contaminants and impurities. Next, your provider will place soft pads on the desired area of your jaw or face. You will have a pleasant warm sensation and may also feel slight buzzing from the energy, but the procedure should not be painful.

Many people feel a warming sensation and rapid muscle contractions during treatment. These sensations are normal and indicate the procedure is working as intended. The rapid muscle contractions triggered by an EMFace jaw contour treatment initiate cellular changes in the facial tissues. These cellular changes give structural support to the tissues. They also reduce the appearance of saggy jowls.

Each EMFace treatment session lasts around 20 minutes. You may need multiple treatment sessions to achieve the desired results. You’ll most likely notice some benefits immediately after your first few treatments. But you’ll need to wait approximately three months to see optimal results. This is because it takes the body time to create new elastin, collagen, and muscle fibers.

After a round of treatments, results can last up to a year for many people. After that, you may need occasional maintenance treatments to retain your results. It’s important to remember that no two people are the same, and everyone responds to treatments differently. Therefore, individual results may vary.

How Does an EMFace Cheek Lift Work?

People with jowls often have saggy cheeks as well. This is because the skin over your entire body begins to lose its structure once you start producing less elastin and collagen. Fortunately, EMFace works just as well for lifting the cheeks as it does for contouring the jawline. It is a needleless cheek and jawline filler that can improve the volume and shape of the face. This gentle treatment also smooths out wrinkles and provides a natural, painless lift.

How Long Does an EMFace Treatment Last on the Jawline?

More than a single EMFace treatment is required to provide lasting results. Therefore, most people receive four or more treatments in a series to achieve their desired outcome. When you receive the number of treatments recommended by your provider, you can expect the results to last up to 12 months along the jawline. After that, you may need a maintenance treatment every six months, sometimes shorter or longer, depending on your specific needs, to preserve your appearance.

EMFace Jawline Contouring vs Filler and Other Treatments

EMFace is a highly popular jowl treatment because it lifts the jawline without needles or scalpels. In addition, due to its noninvasive nature, you won’t need downtime after this non-surgical jawline contouring procedure.

Are you trying to decide between EMFace and alternative jawline contouring treatments? If so, there are a few things you should know. Other popular jaw contour services include surgery, BOTOX injections, and jawline filler products. Each of these treatments can provide a noticeable jowl or cheek lift. But they are more invasive than EMFace.

EMFace is a needle-free, scalpel-free treatment option that delivers exceptional results. It’s also painless and has zero downtime. Plus, it creates a natural lift and fullness by stimulating your own elastin and collagen production. In addition, the high-frequency electromagnetic waves EMFace delivers help change the shape of the jawline in a lasting way. Other popular jowl lift treatments do not provide this benefit.

Try Non-Surgical Jawline Contouring in Boston

You don’t have to live with the discomfort or embarrassment of a saggy jawline. You’ve come to the right place if you’re ready to try nonsurgical jawline contouring. The New England Center of Body Contouring specializes in providing revolutionary cosmetic treatments. These treatments can help you retain a vibrant and youthful appearance. Check out the before and after photos from our EMFace patients.

Medical Director Dr. Julia Edelman, MD, FACOG, NCMP, is a trusted EMFace provider specializing in jawline contouring using the new non-invasive facelift device. We are conveniently located near the 495 Rotary in Middelboro, MA. We serve the Greater Boston, South Shore, Greater Providence, Cape Cod, and Southcoast, MA, areas. We also serve Eastern MA. Call us at 508-947-2852 to schedule your noninvasive EMFace jawline contouring treatments.



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