In CoolSculpting, Emsculpt

BODY CONTOURING: EMSCULPT & Other Body Shaping Treatments

Body Contouring encompasses various cosmetic treatments meant to improve your appearance by reshaping, restoring, or enhancing your physique. The shape of your body, or your body composition, consists of three main components: your body fat, your musculature, and the laxity of your skin. There are numerous types of body contouring procedures that address these three areas. Surgical body contouring treatments, such as liposuction or a facelift, provide stellar results but are invasive procedures that typically require general anesthesia, surgeons, scalpels, stitches and lengthy downtime.

Many men and women prefer non-invasive treatments to reshape their body without surgery and little to no downtime. The most popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment is Cool Sculpting, which employs precisely controlled cooling to reduce stubborn bulges that resist diet and exercise. Emsculpt, a new and innovative body contouring procedure, not only melts fat but also targets the biggest component of body composition: muscle. Read on to learn more about these non-invasive body contouring treatments and discover if they can deliver the slim, sculpted physique you are looking for.


Before Emsculpt hit the market, non-invasive body contouring treatments solely focused on reducing fat. While important to the overall shape of your physique, fat only consists, on average, of 15% to 30% of your body composition. In contrast, muscle can constitute double that, with an average of 30% to 40% of body composition.

Emsculpt is the first non-invasive body contouring treatment to target this major component of the overall shape and appearance of your physique. Using advanced HIFEM energy, Emsculpt stimulates super powerful muscle contractions within the major muscle groups of the abdomen, buttocks, legs, and upper arms. These powerful contractions are known as supramaximal contractions. They build, strengthen, and tone muscles in a way that is impossible to achieve at the gym. In fact, a single 30-minute Emsculpt treatment offers the equivalent of 20,000 crunches, 20,000 squats, 20,000 bicep curls, or 20,000 lunges (depending on the muscle groups being targeted during treatment.)¹

See Real Emsculpt Results >>

As an added bonus, Emsculpt melts fat. To supply the energy the muscles need to perform supramaximal contractions, the body increases its metabolic rate, disrupting surrounding fat cells. Clinical studies show that Emsculpt can reduce body fat in the treatment area by 27%.¹


While Emsculpt melts fat, CoolSculpting still reigns supreme in the area of non-invasive fat reduction. In fact, many patients combine Emsculpt with CoolSculpting to achieve optimal results. CoolSculpting targets stubborn bulges with precisely controlled cooling to freeze fat cells to death. Once frozen the fat cells are collected and processed out of the body by the immune system. One of the major advantages of CoolSculpting is its versatility. While Emsculpt is limited to the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and upper arms, CoolSculpting can target unwanted bulges from nearly any problem area on the body. Popular treatment areas include:

  • Belly fat
  • Love handles
  • Back fat
  • Chest fat (ideal for men with moobs, or man boobs)
  • Inner and outer thigh fat
  • Saddlebags
  • Fat below the buttocks (banana roll)
  • Neck Fat
  • Double chins
  • Armpit fat
  • Fat deposits above the knees
  • And more…

Related Article: CoolSculpting Before and After >>

Body Contouring in Massachusetts

If you want to reduce body fat and replace it with sculpted, toned muscles, body contouring may be a great, non-surgical solution. The best way to discover if Emsculpt or CoolSculpting is right for you is to schedule a complimentary consultation with New England Center for Body Sculpting, the premier provider of non-invasive body contouring in Southeastern Massachusetts and conveniently located in Middleboro. Contact the New England Center for Body Sculpting online or by calling 508 947-2852 today.


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¹ Data on file

²Cryolipolysis For Noninvasive Body Contouring

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