In Emsculpt

six pack abs

Use Emsculpt for Defined Six Pack Abs

Considered the highest level of physical perfection, six pack abs have a reputation for being notoriously hard to attain. People spend countless hours working out at the gym trying to get that sculpted, flat stomach. However, recent research suggests that defined abdominals are even harder than previously thought to achieve, even with vigorous exercise and a healthy diet.

Unfortunately, some bodies will never respond, no matter how many abdominal exercises you do. Some individuals just do not have the type of genetic composition that enables them to hit their less than 10% body fat goal, which is a requirement for any visible ab musculature.

However, new breakthroughs in body-contouring procedures mean that the strived for toned and defined abs are a more attainable goal than previously possible for many.

Emsculpt: Build, Strengthen, and Define Muscle

Typical non-invasive body-shaping procedures like CoolSculpting have just one zone of focus: fat. It’s true that reducing fat around the belly is imperative for any visible abdominal muscles. However, CoolSculpting and non-surgical fat reducing treatments like it ignore a huge part of the composition of our bodies: muscle.

Here’s where Emsculpt steps in. This innovative procedure harnesses the power of electromagnetic energy for the stimulation of super-powered contractions that result in more strong, firm, and defined muscles in the treated area.

Emsculpt and the Muscle Growth Process

The process of muscle growth (or muscle hypertrophy) is one of stimulation and restoration. Every time a muscle contracts, like during exercise, it puts a strain on the muscle fibers. This strain triggers the body’s natural restoration process; stronger and thicker muscle tissue is created to replace the old damaged tissue. This process is why strength training and exercise results in muscle growth.

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This process of restoration and stimulation requires massive amounts of energy. In order to aid the process of muscle hypertrophy, fatty acids are released in the body. These acids break down surrounding fat deposits, converting them to energy. This natural process is called lipolysis. The lipolysis process stimulates the reduction of fat in the area being targeted by Emsculpt.

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The “Superman” Ab Workout

The Emsculpt technology replicates the muscle hypertrophy process by creating ultra-powerful contractions of the abdominals. During the procedure, HIFEM (Highly Focused Electromagnetic) energy triggers supramaximal contractions. These contractions happen at a superhuman scale, which is why some call it “superman workout.”

These supramaximal contractions work the muscle much more intensely than could be achieved during your usual manual workouts. Just a single half-hour Emsculpt session stimulates over 20,000 contractions of the ab muscles. That is equal to 20,000 sit-ups/crunches, an extremely superhuman feat for sure!

Data on Emsculpt and Six Pack Abs

Current studies report how Emsculpt can have a major influence on six pack abs definition:

The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology also shows that up to “91% of patients reported their abdominal appearance improved [after treatments with the Emsculpt device] and 92% stated they are satisfied with treatment results at month 3.”

Emsculpt Six Pack Abs at New England Center for Body Sculpting

Whether you already have a defined figure and want to tone it more or newly looking to experience sculpted six pack abs, Emsculpt might be for you! Learn more about this body-sculpting procedure by booking a complimentary medical consultation at the New England Center for Body Sculpting in Southeastern Massachusetts. Contact us today by calling 508 947-2852 or visiting us online!


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Emsculpt reviewsEmsculpt Body Contouring